Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Annoying people

One thing lately that has been annoying me alot about people, is they are not smart, and then blame others for it. I have been going around online reading different review people have posted about the company telling others not to us it. I actually find them quite funny and have decided to post a few for me to tell you dumbass who wrote it what I think.

This one was written by erinpalmer:

"To make our 7:00 am flight we needed to leave at 5 am, we called the night before to schedule the pick-up. At 5 after 5:00 we called- "oops, shift change, we'll send someone"- however, we were told we should call back if no one is there in 10 minutes. We called back, 5 minutes on hold- "yeah, no one has been assigned your pick-up; could have someone there within 30 minutes". Uhh...no thanks, we'll drive ourselves and pay $12/ day to park because those pesky airlines never hold the plane for you even when you ask nicely. I would absolutely avoid calling this company if your goal is to actually get a ride. Funny thing, we were even planning to pay them."

....Okay, you have got to be the most self centered person in the world. What moron orders a cab going to the Portland Airport with only 2 hours to spare? Hello, they say you should be at the airport already two hours in advance. Your probably one of those people who expect to get out of the cab, check in your bags, and walk straight through security to your flights seat. Well, since 9/11 happened over 7 years ago, and you still havent figured out the drill, their really isnt any hope for you becoming smart.

This next story is from danyell8:

" Worst experience EVER in the city of Portland. Needed a ride after a great concert at the Crystal Ballroom. Left keys to my vehicle in the cab, immediately called dispatch and was treated terribly. I was over 200 miles away from home with no keys and my money and cell phone locked in my car. The response from the cab company was "I can have a supervisor call you Monday afternoon", THIS WAS SATURDAY NIGHT. Called to file a complaint as was again pretty much told they didn't really care. Somebody finally called back about my missing keys 4 days later on Tuesday night, after multiple calls to them. Very, very disappointed. I will walk before I EVER use this company again. "

..................Sorry, your right, we really don't care if you lose your keys. Every cab company in Portland doesnt really care. Our drivers are on the road to make money, not pick up after you because you forget things. Do you need us to remind you to pack a lunch everyday because you will eventually get hungry? Take this as a lesson to never leave your stuff in a cab or anywhere if you ever want it back again. At least you got it back.

Last but not least, meme11, wrote this:

Oregon Taxi allows their drivers to drive a cab and therefore have "no wages" for child support garnishment. Therefore, dead beat Dads can drive a cab to support themselves, and the State of Oregon can not enforce their child support payments through wage garnishment. NYC taxis (among many other cities and private cab companies) do not allow their drivers to owe back child support for this very issue! Do not support a compnay that enables DEAD BEAT DADS!!!!!!!!!!!

....Ok HOOKER. I guess you dont take any cabs in Portland Metro Area from any company at all. None of the drivers are employeed on an hourly basis. DRIVERS PAY US MONEY EACH DAY TO WORK. Thats why they are called "Private Contractors". Its the State of Oregon you should bitch about. You see, the IRS and State Tax Agencies gather all the reported earning from all the cabs in a region, and average out what a driver should be making. Based on that is what he would owe for taxes, and then they could figure out how much he needs to send you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I just read your blogg abit and i thinks it's amazing how similar a taxi dispatch can be over seas.

I work as a taxi dispatcher in Gothenburg, Sweden.